sure the snow was still blowing and it was cold where we were...but last year at this time we could not afford to grumble about the weather... we had much bigger fish to fry! January30th, 2008 was the day that Bjorn had his heart surgery and as I sat and watched the Superbowl today (My favorite team won by the way. Go Stealers!) I couldn't help but remember that the last Superbowl I watched was from the cardiac ICU at Mayo.
Now here we are an entire year later, and I have a very important lesson that I would like to share with you. The lesson that I learned started with trip to Bismarck. I was so excited to go and do a little shopping, get out and be with other humans older than the age of 6, and all I had to do was get through a doctors appointment and the rest of the day would be filled with fun...right?...wrong! Let's just say taking a little boy just getting over croup and an ear infection to get his 18 month shots is a bad idea and then if you think you are going to take him shopping afterwards...forget about it. Don't worry he got me back, by peeing all over my leg at Bob's photo and begging for every toy at Walmart...and if that wasn't enough...it was one of those days where I just couldn't find anything on my shopping list. What a bad day!
So there I was feeling all sorry for myself, driving home, and then it hit me...duh! A year ago I was sitting in a waiting room praying, pleading, even making deals with God if He would just let Bjorn make it through surgery...well Bjorn did make it through surgery and now I have an 18 mon. old who is just starting the terrible two's tantrums, making every developmental milestone on time and beginning to talk my ear off and compared to last year it was a good day. It is all a matter of perspective!
We love you baby Bjorn and are so glad you are here changing your mommy's schedule and giving her and us perspective!
Don't you love when perspective hits you smack dab in the face...and you realize how blessed you really are! God is doing great work in you!!
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