Monday, October 25, 2010

First Day!!!

Here he is! Mr. First Day of Preschool. Not quite awake, but neither was Mom as you can tell from the slightly blurry picture. MAYBE by the time he is ready for Kindergarten I will be a pro at our morning routine and get a nice picture instead of a "hurry up and smile we gotta go so Mom's not late for work" picture.
Bjorn's first day of preschool was a good one. On the way home he was not saying much about his day so I simply said, "OK, buddy I only need to know one thing. Did you have enough fun that you want to get up and do it all again tomorrow?" Bjorn's reply was a simple "MmmHmm" with a big smile on his face.

I have also included some fun pics from our long weekend...We watched Daddy clean some birds that he hunted that morning and then went for an "adventure" (a.k.a a walk through the trees in into the pasture!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Mr Bjorn is all grown up and ready for pre-school!!

Glad you started blogging again!

Love you all
