Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Quill Lake Goose! Whatever that is!

So, my Bigbird got a big bird this past weekend. It is a kind of Canada goose called a Qill Lake Goose (because they come from the Quill Lake area in Canada.) According to him, these are rare and he was very excited! I am sorry I can't tell you more about these rare and exciting birds and how Bigbird managed to harvest one of his very own... my mind seemed to drift somewhere around the part where I realized that soon, I will have a goose to add to the animals hanging in my home. Don't get me wrong, I am very excited about this because now I will get to hear Little Bear make his cute "honk, honk" sound everytime he sees it.


Siobhan said...

Dang Casey that thing is huge!

The Hunter's Wife said...

So he is having it mounted?

Shannonheick said...

That thing is bigger than Little Bear! How cute to have him honking at it when it is mounted! Legithon loved the deer mounted at grandma and grandpa s's this weekend!