Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Rock

I don't know what it is about my little boy and rocks. He will not leave them alone. Every time we go outside, he loves to walk to our driveway and pick up rocks, carry them around, but most of all he LOVES to put them in his mouth. (No, Mom I do not let him keep them in his mouth!) Thinking about "B" and his love of rocks put another picture in my mind.

It is the rock that I lean on, my savior, Jesus. I had a long day today, sitting at school from 8:00 this morning until 9:30 tonight, but thinking about my rock to lean on, my refuge, gave me the energy to make it through the day.

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety." Psalm 18:2

I pray that anytime you are having a rough day you will remember "my rock" and let God hold you and give you a resting place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jessie, love your words. They are just TRUTH!

About kids and rocks. I have no idea what the fascination is. My Tessa loves them still and even though she is almost 3 she finds the need to keep tasting those things! My 19 month old also likes them...but then again he puts everything into his mouth. YES everything. What helped me to not stress about it was realizing that she hasn't been sick very often (has had strep once, no ear infections, etc...) and I think it's got to be due to the dirt & rock & sand consumption. Really, what else could it be--dirt has to build the immune system.
As long as it comes out one way or another a little rocks can't hurt, right?
And can you imagine what it would be like without the ultimate rock, Jesus? Nope, me either. We've had our share of heartaches but I can't imagine what they would've been like without Jesus...ultimate source of immunity!